Here you will find list of top rated deals for hotels in Tenerife. Ratings are based on other travelers reviews in hotels websites. What to do in Tenerife? Teide National Park (Teleférico del Teide) Unesco World Heritage
Getting to Koh Larn island Beaches
Koh Larn is one of the eastern seaboard islands of Thailand. Ko Lan lies 7.5 km from the nearest shore, Pattaya. “Ko Lan” is the name of the island in the Royal Thai General System of Transcription. It is also known as “Koh Larn” and
Holidays in Seychelles – 11 days trip
Seychelles – one of the most wanted summer destination in the world. was talking with Jakub who just came back from Seychelles and wants to share his trip details. Seychelles are made of 115 islands in my mind is a
Lithuanian Insektariumas – creepy, fun, educational !
Insektariumas (specialised arthropods zoo) – the only place in Europe where you can not only explore the world of small crawly things but even hold them, touch them and be entertained by professional guides. In Insektariumas you will
60 places to visit in Iceland
After living 1 year in Iceland we visited a lot of places and we want to share that with you. Here you will find 60 places names with photos to visit in Iceland. Bellow article you will find a link
Why not to book Northern Lights tours ?
The best season to see the northern lights in Iceland is from September to April but sometimes we can see them in late August also. Northern lights to occur requires dark sky with no clouds. WHAT ARE NORTHERN LIGHTS? The